2017 Wranglers Dance Clinic

By LHHS Wranglers (other events)

Monday, January 16 2017 1:00 PM 3:30 PM CST

Who:                        Boys and Girls, K-6th Grade
When:                      Monday, January 16th from 1-3:30 pm
Where:                     Lake Highlands High School (Enter from the Gym Door on the west side of school)
Cost:                        $30 per child ($25 for siblings)
Clinic Attire:             T-shirt, shorts or jeans, tennis shoes (no open-toe or hard–soled shoes)
Performance:           Tuesday, January 31 at LHHS Basketball Game

Participants receive a t-shirt the night of the performance.  If you can not attend the game, they will be made available for pick up.  Please contact Cynde Coulson at [email protected] or 214-729-1388 or Julie Girards at [email protected] or 214-205-2762 if you have any questions.  Visit us online at


My child has permission to participate in the Wrangler Roundup. In case of an emergency, the Wranglers will contact me. If I am unavailable, I authorize the Wranglers to render treatment or transport my child to the nearest treatment facility. I agree not to hold LHHS Wrangler Wildcats Parent Club members or RISD liable for any injuries, losses or damage incurred as a result of my child’s participation in this activity. I also authorize the use of clinic photos for publicity purposes. By purchasing on-line, you are agreeing to these terms.